Current Date:December 22, 2024
Google Product Sans Font

Google Product Sans Font

Google Product Sans Font The new Google logo and identity system was developed to respond to and grow with our users’ changing needs. It considers scale, interaction, and legibility, giving users a consistent and beautiful experience of the Google brand wherever they encounter it.

To fully execute the brand system, we took the design further by creating a custom, geometric sans serif called Product Sans. Simple, humble, and approachable, Product Sans was made from scratch to pair seamlessly with our logo in various contexts and product lockups without overshadowing it. Additionally, it complements the new identity by introducing a primary branding typeface that is different in style and character from other interface text elements used in Material Design. Its careful weaving of form and function makes it an appropriate and essential component of the Google brand system.

You can insert a google logo, type “google_logo”.

You can also insert the Google G, type “google_G”.

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