Bastliga Font is a signature font that has its uniqueness and characteristics from a signature font because it is handwritten manually, so it has the impression of a true signature. This font is carefully crafted with a modern touch. This font looks elegant, luxurious, and natural with a beautiful signature touch.
Bastliga would be perfect for photography, watermarks, social media posts, advertisements, logos & branding, invitations, product designs, labels, stationery, wedding designs, product packaging, special events or anything that needs signature taste. Your download will include 4 font files;
~ Bastliga One, Two, Three A hand-made, all characters brush font which has a complete set of A-z characters. Includes a range of multilingual support, punctuation, ligature & alternate.
~ Bastliga Tail A bonus set of 52 Uppercase & Lowercase with tail. Simply select this font and type any A-Z & a-z character to create one of the bonus elements. All font files are provided in both TTF & OTF font formats.
Bastliga Font Preview
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